Meeting 7.11.02
Present: Liv, Liz,
Lee, Sijbren
Apologies: Simon,
Mineke, Mike, Tim
match form Liv to sort
- Posts
are not in good state will await NKA response
- Task
list circulated…..has had a disappointing response, Sijbren to resend – needs a response from all
- Liv to
approach CUKC re help for schools’ korfball clubs
- Police check forms
–Lee has made enquiries…..’expensive’… BKA are setting up a check
form…..Citysport are police checking coaches in preparation for Citysport
course 1.03
- Venue
for inter area match 25.1.03 still unknown Lee to enquire who to contact
U9’s BKA Cup
CKA are hosting 1st round matches…5 teams entered in round
robin format Liz to sort Cambridge
team with discussion with Liz J and Simon.
NKA junior
tournament 16.11.02
U13 & U11 team entered, Simon to drive minibus with another adult on
it to support; cars to be organised for other age.
Match fees
£2 per match fee Coaches to
collect at each match
Liz to book
Netherhall 6-7pm 17.11.02 for Knights vs Lions 2; then to see what other times
are available for remaining home matches so they do not clash with training.
Liz gave feedback on Awards for All meeting – we can apply for another
grant after 1 year…suggestion to develop it towards training teachers. Will
discuss further at later meeting.
Both days were successful…Shaun from CVC very positive…need to consider
how to develop korfball into CVC. Thanks to those who helped.
- Sijbren
requested cones Liz/Lee/Andy to
find quotes
- Junior
website…looking good…newsletter to be added by PDF…need to get parents’
permission first Liz to add
permission slip to Spring fee reminder.
- Knights
would like to take logo from website
- All Publicise Citysport
- Liv to
find out training dates for Spring term
- Liv to give
Liz new fliers for poster
- Liz to
give Lee poster .. can one be added to Tigers’ board at The Perse
- Lee to
contact Andy for list of City registered juniors, then we need to register
juniors as City players…. All players to have individual registration form
- Sijbren has
been negotiating league with Nottingham, Milton Keynes & Norwich.
- Question
raised about possibility of Knights becoming financially independent of
CKA decision to wait until end of season to see.
- Lucy Northfield
is attending U16 GB trials
- Ritola
visit is 27.4.03 Liv to book
MEETING ??????????